The News Transcript Rehumanizer

Have you ever noticed how political pundits and commentators often make broad, inflammatory statements about "the left" or "the right"? It's a common tactic used to paint the opposing side as a faceless enemy, devoid of individual thought or nuance.

But what happens when we replace those vague labels with the names of real people we know and care about? Suddenly, the rhetoric loses its punch and we're forced to confront the humanity of those on the other side of the aisle.

That's where the News Transcript Rehumanizer comes in. Simply enter the names of four Republican and four Democrat friends, paste in a news transcript, and watch as the generic "left" and "right" labels are replaced with the names of your loved ones. The results can be eye-opening, hilarious, and insightful.

Give it a try and see for yourself how this simple tool can change the way you think about political discourse. We might find that we have more in common than we think!


  1. Enter the names of 4 Republican friends, separated by commas.
  2. Enter the names of 4 Democrat friends, separated by commas.
  3. Paste a news transcript into the textarea or click "Load Sample Transcript".
  4. Click "Rehumanize Transcript" to see the results.

Rehumanized Transcript: